Welcome to George Bellon Photography! We are your trusted partners in real estate, AirBnb, and commercial venue photography. We specialize in professional still photography, immersive I-Guide 3D tours, and captivating drone photography. Our mission is to bring your vision to life with crisp, clear, and compelling visuals.

Still Photography

Transcend Ordinary with George Bellon Photography

High-quality still photography is the cornerstone of effective property marketing. We utilize the latest equipment and our keen eye for detail to capture stunning images that showcase every angle and detail of your property in the best light.

Whether it's a cozy Airbnb cottage, a spacious real estate property, or an elegant commercial venue, we meticulously create striking visuals that elevate your marketing efforts and impress your potential customers.

What We Offer:

  • Interior and exterior shots

  • Detail shots

  • Multiple lighting techniques

  • High-resolution images

  • Post-production editing for optimal clarity and quality

iGuide 3D Tours

Immerse, Inspire, and Impress with FocalPoint's iGuide 3D Tours

In the digital age, prospective clients expect more than static images. They crave immersive, interactive experiences that make them feel like they're truly there. Our iGuide 3D tours do exactly that.

iGuide 3D tours allow users to virtually explore a space at their own pace, giving them a realistic and comprehensive view of the property. This cutting-edge technology is perfect for showcasing real estate properties, Airbnb rentals, and commercial venues.

What We Offer:

  • Interactive 3D models

  • Detailed floor plans

  • Virtual walkthroughs

  • Precise measurements

  • User-friendly interface

Drone Photography Services

Elevate Your Perspective with George Bellon Photography

Nothing captures the grandeur and scale of a property quite like drone photography. With our advanced drone technology, we provide breathtaking aerial shots that truly showcase the beauty and layout of your property.

Ideal for real estate properties with expansive exteriors, stunning Airbnb rentals, or large commercial venues, our drone photography services provide a fresh, dynamic perspective that leaves a lasting impression.

What We Offer:

  • Aerial photos and video

  • Panoramic shots

  • High-resolution images

  • Licensed and skilled drone operators

  • Comprehensive coverage of your property

Ready to elevate your property marketing to the next level? Contact us today to discuss your vision, and let's bring it to life.

Transcending the ordinary, one snapshot at a time.